Second Grade and the Martian Jelly Experiment
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Alpha "In the News"
Read all about it! We sometimes find ourselves in the news. Our students are involved in many projects, programs and activities in their academic, athletic, philanthropic, and creative lives. If you see an article out and about, please let us know!!
Providence Heights Alpha School: Celebrating 96 Years of Excellence in Education - Northern Connection Magazine - June 2022, Cover Story
Providence Heights Alpha School - Parent Perspective - North Hills Monthly - January 2022, pg 11
Using Technology to Promote Engagement in the Classroom - North Hills Monthly - October 2021, pg 15
Providence Heights Alpha School Offers a PreK and Kindergarten Experience that Fosters Individualized Learning - Pittsburgh Parent - July 2021, pg 24
A Visit to Providence Heights Alpha School radio clip - Catholic Education Plus - May 9, 2021
Power of the Pen Transcends Age, Distance - Mt. Assisi's Hilltop Highlights - November 2020, pg 2
** Check us out on Facebook at AlphaSchool1926 and Instagram at providenceheightsalphaschool