School Uniform Links and Dress Code
Purchasing Uniforms
Alpha uniforms may be purchased at:
Schoolbelles (click here to link to the online store) Use school code: S2127
Lands End (click here to link to the online store) Use school code: 9001-6209-0. (Alpha School plaid items are not available through Lands End.)
Eagles' Nest (click here to view the price sheet) Alpha's school store is located on the lower level through the main entrance. Slightly used uniform items, spirit wear, and accessories are available for purchase.
Dress Code
View detailed dress code/school uniform information here: Dress code Information
Providence Heights Alpha School is a private Catholic elementary school, which maintains the right to establish a uniform dress code for its students. It is recognized that proper school attire and good grooming are conducive to a student's educational and social development. This dress code was developed:
to promote a Christian atmosphere
to free children for academic concentration
to de-emphasize competition among children regarding clothing
to allow more economical dress for school
to provide some choices to accommodate individual differences
The dress code is required of all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. This policy is intended to maintain a standard of dress that is neat, economical, modest, and attractive.