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The Parent "Go To" page

Quick Links:  

Family/Student Portal - this link takes you to the Alpha parent-only functions such as the Dismissal System, Teacher pages, and Google calendars.  

Family/Student Portal INSTRUCTIONS - this link opens a PDF with directions for navigating the Family/Student Portal.

Portal Attendance Instructions for Parents - this link opens a PDF with instructions on how you can submit any event that may affect your child’s school day, including early dismissals, after-school activities, absences, and late arrivals. 

Option C Student Gradebook - this link takes you to the diocesan grade book system Alpha uses to post grades for all students.

Standardized Composite Test Spring 2023 - this link directs you to the Core Composite Test Results by Grade Level with comparative data to the national norm for the IOWA test results.

Standardized Test Scores by Subject and Grade Spring 2023 - this link directs you to the school data with comparative data to the national norm for the IOWA test results across subjects and by grade.

Student Attendance Policy -  this link provides a downloadable PDF of a document detailing our newly revised attendance policy. 

Parent/Student Handbook - link provides a downloadable, 100+ page PDF of a document detailing our mission, important policies, safety guidelines, and other procedures. 

2023-24 Summer Reading & Supply Quick Links

Summer 2023 Reading List Kindergarten through 8th Grade

Summer 2023 Supply List for School Year



2024-25 Middle School Service Projects Quick Links

6th Grade Service Project Information

7th Grade Service Project Information

8th Grade Service Project Information


Dress Code Policy/ School Uniform Information and Quick Links

Providence Heights Alpha School is a private Catholic elementary school, which maintains the right to establish a uniform dress code for its students. It is recognized that proper school attire and good grooming are conducive to a student's educational and social development. This dress code was developed:

  • to promote a Christian atmosphere

  • to free children for academic concentration

  • to de-emphasize competition among children regarding clothing

  • to allow more economical dress for school

  • to provide some choices to accommodate individual differences


The dress code is required of all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. This policy is intended to maintain a standard of dress that is neat, economical, modest, and attractive.

Uniforms may be purchased at SchoolbellesLands End, or slightly worn uniform items may be purchased at the Eagles' Nest. The Eagles' Nest is Alpha's school store located on the lower level next to the north entrance that faces the playground. Slightly used uniform items, spirit wear, and accessories are available for purchase. Dress code Information


Parents:  Do you see something missing from this page?  Would you like us to add a link or PDF form to this page.   Email the webmaster with suggestions. 

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