APTA - Alpha Parent Teacher Association
APTA Events/Services
Alpha Eagles Nest Store
Teacher Welcome Back
Parents Welcome Back Reception
Family Movie Night
Thanksgiving Feast
Daughter Event
Son Event
Teacher Appreciation
Art Show Reception
Kennywood Day
APTA Sponsored Events
Back-to-School Social Refreshments
Field Trip Transportation
Baby Jesus Birthday Party
Catholic Schools Week
Fat Tuesday Treats
The Providence Heights Alpha School Parent-Teacher Association (APTA) is an active organization that is highly involved in the life of the Alpha School. Membership is open to all parents and members of the faculty.
The mission of the APTA is to support the goals of the school leadership, facilitate a vibrant school community, organize events to promote our unity and identity and present opportunities for families to volunteer in the school environment.
2023-2024 OFFICERS
President—Mrs. Julie Makuta
Vice President—Mr. Greg Policicchio
Secretary—Mrs. Krista Stokes
Treasurer—Mr.. Mike Stokes
APTA By-Laws:
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